Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Chocolate is good for you!

Good news for chocoholics everywhere. Apparently chocolate is good for us after all according to this Guardian article. Scientists in Cambridge studied the relationship between chocolate consumption and heart disease and found that eating chocloate is good for us because it is relaxing. So chill out everyone and enjoy those chocolately treats.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Catalogue downtime, end of August

The DIT Library Millennium system, which controls the circulation and catalogue systems, will need to go down on Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st August for a system upgrade.

This means that the Library Opac catalogue will be unavailable for those 2 days, and that books will be issued and returned manually.

In addition, some re-carpeting of Library office and counter areas (but not of reading or other users' areas) is due to start this coming week.

However, there is no reason for readers to worry. All our services will continue to be delivered, albeit the old-fashioned way, and Library staff will be on hand at all times to help and advise readers.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Book disposals - help yourself!

A number of books on subjects, mainly on economics, law and social studies, have been removed from library stock to make space for newer books.

These books are available in the library until Friday August 26th.

Staff and students are welcome to come and take any of them.