The most frequently asked question in the library this week has been "how do I access past exam papers". Please see the following outline to find the previous exam papers that the library has.
**Note** - If you are outside the DIT network you will need the
Student Intranet Username and Password to access exam papers. Click on this
link to
access the Student Intranet username and password, as well as any other
usernames and passwords needed to access all the library's electronic
resources. Please note you will need your student number and your
PIN to open this file. (see the
Password Page for any other password queries)
- To access the current and past exam papers go to the library catalogue and click on the Exam Papers link.
- You will be brought to a page with a search window and options to
enter your course code/module code/course title etc. (Only use this
search for older papers, see next step for new ones)
- Click on the link at the top of the page Quick Link to Recent Exam Papers to access papers later than 2006. (For earlier papers, search using your course code/module code/course title.)
- The next page lists the papers according to the different Colleges within DIT
- Select College of Arts and Tourism, Cathal Brugha Street from this list
- You will then be brought to a list of the exam papers by year.
- Simply select the year you want to look at and then click on your
module code to open up the exam paper for the that module. Alternatively
click on this link to go straight to this page.
- If you are within the DIT network you should go straight to the PDF of the exam paper. If not, enter the username and password as mentioned above.