All the staff at DIT Cathal Brugha St Library would like to congratulate students on finishing their exams.
We would also like to remind you to drop your library books back to the library.
It’s easy to forget to return your library books at the best
of times. It’s even easier when you have been busy studying for your exams. It is
important to remember to return your library books however.
For one thing, library fines can be expensive. Even at 30c a
day, you could rack up a fine of about €150 by returning six books at the end
of the summer holidays instead of when they were due after the exams.
Also, if you’re graduating this year, the DIT reserves the
right not to allow students owing fees to participate in the graduation
ceremony. This includes library fines and overdue books.
So please remember to return your library books before leaving for your summer holidays.