Monday, 13 November 2017


Finding a print journal

·         First students should go to the DIT library catalogue. Then, go to the drop down box and click on Journal Title (see image below).

·         Type in the title of the journal and click submit. You will be brought to a page with a list of journals that have the same name (see image below). When you see a global symbol (see arrows) under the journal title this means that it is available online.

·        Click on the first title and the location of the journal will be given (see image below). Make sure the journal is in Cathal Brugha library and then check the call #. If this is not the journal you are searching for click on next record.

·         Remember to look for the library has section (underlined in green above) this lets students and staff know how far back the print journals go. In the library we keep, at most, three years of a journal and later issues are kept in the Grangegorman store. If you require a journal from an earlier year, and it is available in store, you can request this journal at the library desk.

·       To see which months and weeks we have received you can click on Latest received: (see image above) and this will bring you to a list of received journal editions (see image below).

·        Print journals are kept in the back of the library, through the double doors on the right.

·        Newer editions are to the right and the back left of the journal room. Under the flap of the shelf you will find later editions from this year (see image above). Back issues from 2014-2016 are kept in boxes on the left-hand shelf.

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