Friday 15 February 2008

you can't make an omlette without breaking eggs...

...was a famous sinister quote from Joseph Stalin. I don't know if he had any ambitions in the kitchen but one man moving in the other direction, from pantry to politics, is the new Prime minister of Thailand, Samak Sundaravej. He's a top chef in the country with his own TV cookery show "Tasting Grumbling" though it was taken off the air during the military crackdown late last year - imagine if that happened to Gordon Ramsey in the UK. I presume he hopes to get it back on the air now and rule the country with a frying pan in one hand and the ballot box in the other.

and what about elsewhere. Check out the Axis of evil cookbook by Gill Partington in the library to see what meals of mass destruction they're serving up in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and elsewhere

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