Tuesday 16 September 2008

credit crunch anyone?

fed up watching your financial assets and stocks noisedive. As we watch big financial names like Fannie Mae, Leeman Bros, AIG go to the wall, where to invest you're hard eaned cash? Forget the banks, insurance giants, and with the rising cost of oil forget airlines or travel firms where the news is particularily depressing. Those in the know suggest Vino is the place to be. To borrow a term from the oenophile's lexicon the market is "robust" with an average wine cellar showing a basic return of 15%odd and the fine wine index up 9% on the year to date. So forget the Nikkei, the ISEQ, the FTSE, Dow Jones and take your lead from the Bordeauindex, 1 of a growing number of sites offering investment services for nouveau wine enthusiasts. ansdlets avoid the associated puns about liquid assets and old wines in new bottles etc. Thanks to the Sunday Tribune where I 1st read about this burgeoning burgundy market

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