Friday 29 January 2010

School of culinary arts

"C'EST HORRIBLE!" he shouts at me. With that, he begins a rant. "Ca n'est pas difficile! . . . Pourquoi presenteriez-vous ce plat?! . . . Vous ne pourriez pas servir ceci!"

So begins "The Sharper the knife, the less you cry: love, laughter and tears at the world's most famous cooking school" by Kathleen Flinn. I looked quickly to see if it was about Cathal Brugha st., or whether the author Kathleen Flinn was a graduate from here. But no and even allowing for the fact that "most of the names have been changed" it is based not on DIT but the famed (or feared?) Le Cordon Blue cooking school in Paris. But prehaps, like Ratatouille, you might recognise some of the characters portrayed and think hey yeah that kinda reminds me of ......

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