Monday 15 March 2010

it says in the papers

The Guardian was particularily full of food doom and gloom over the weekend with a major article in their magazine on Saturday about The killer combination of salt fat and sugar. Basically why is obesity on the rise - what is driving us to overeat like never before? More than just easy availability - it's that toxicocktail of sugar fat and salt which in the right combinations just make you want to eat more. It's all to do with what scientists call "palatable foods" - not necessarily ones that taste good but rather their capacity to stimulate the appetite. It's a fascinating read for anyone interested or studying food products, flavours and innovations.
Meanwhile, headlining on their front page, a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (UK) on Violence and abuse of workers in food factories Employees subjected to verbal abuse, being punched, kicked or having things (like frozen burgers) thrown at them. Having worked in the past in an abattoir, a bakery and ice cream factory i would say this was all quite normal.
On a more upbeat note The Observer food monthly was published yesterday and is now available in the library. Articles include features on Gordon Ramsay, the art of smoking, Mexican food and Rick Bayless - the Obamas' favourite chef .

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