Friday 16 February 2018


“Bureaucracy and compliance now seem less about managing the safety of the workers we are responsible for, and more about managing the liability of the people they work for.”
‘The Safety anarchist’ looks at human experience over bureaucratic regulations to better understand safety for employees.  

“By examining tourism and travel trends in a wide range of regions, this book offers new insight into impacts of economic, social and environmental changes on destination management, governance and development.”

Acclaimed wine writer Jon Bonne explains the art of wine matching in an easy to understand way and claims “a wine’s price rarely reflects its quality.”

“‘Tourism and Religion’ explores the oldest form of religion tourism – pilgrimage – from its original form to the multiple spiritual and secular variations practised today, along with issues and conflicts arising from the collision of religion and tourism.” 

“Focuses on issues such as gender division of food work, the impact of family income on diet, family meals, and the power children wield over the food they eat, the book offers a longitudinal view of family routines.”

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