Tuesday 18 September 2018


Hello Students and Staff! Welcome to a new school term. Here are some key tips to getting the most out of your library experience!

Tip 1. Always have your student card with you, not only does it remind you of your student number it also is necessary for borrowing books. Take note: Once you have your student account set up and your card assigned you have to wait 24 hours for it to activate to use it at your library.

Tip 2. If you are looking for specific material use the library catalogue to make sure that what you want is a DIT item, but also to see if it is available. We have 3 computers in our library just for searching the catalogue.

Tip 3. This is more of a warning. No food or drink is allowed in the library except for bottled water. This isn't cause we want you to go hungry, this is a culinary library after all but it keeps the library and all the materials clean and tidy for all your other colleagues.

Tip 4. No cellphone use, by this we ask that you do not answer your phone or make calls within the library doors. I know you think going past the barrier helps, but believe me sound carries in this old building. Fun fact the library used to be a gymnasium!

Tip 5. Follow this blog, and DIT twitter to find out more tips on a regular basis.

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