Wednesday 16 June 2010

Intuative Intute

It's always been a case of The Good the bad and the ugly for students using the web for research. - who to trust who to blame, who to quote who to avoid. Intute (see post from april '08) is a UK based consortium of universities that provides useful info for students using the web. Amongst other things they have a whole range of subject tutorials in what they call their Virtual Training Suite. These tutorials have been around for a while but i see 5 of particular interest to us here: Health and Safety , Hospitality and Catering , Sport Leisure and Recreation and Travel and Tourism, have been updated and improved recently (11th June) and there is a brand new one on Food Safety. Something for everyone there. The tutorials have 4 main sections: TOUR - the best of the web for that subject, DISCOVER - how to find scholarly information, JUDGE - appropriate internet resources, SUCCESS - examples of students using the internet for research. You go throught them at your own pace and I'd recommend them.
I did something similar for DIT a couple of years ago called Making Information Work, which is available for all students on Webcourses

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