Monday 11 June 2018


Come check out June's new book arrivals!

Summer time in the library means looking over what stock we have, and seeing if there is anything new we might need. Here are two of the new acquisitions!

If you have to give or plan tours this summer this title could be just what you are looking for: Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility, by Holland & Leslie. Wander over to stack 1 at 338.4781 HOL if you need a guide.

We have recieved-in a new set of Environmental Health Encyclopedias: Crume's Environtmental Health in the 21st Century: From Air Pollution to Zoonotic Diseases, A-Z. If you are itching to use this resource it can be found on stack 2 at 614.7 CRU.

For a colourful depiction of the history of food come and check out: DK's The Story of Food:An Illustrated History of Everything We Eat. If you wanna know a little more about a lot of foods this is a good book to graze through, find it on stack 2 at 641.3009 COR.

For a book that depends more on taste than sight, look up our copy of: The Flavor Matrix, by Briscione & Parkhurst. This book combines recipes with interesting food facts, flavour pairings, and of course food flavour compatibility matrices. This book can be found on stack 4 at 664.5 BRI.

Chocolate goes with everything right?!

Keep your eyes open for more upcoming acquisitions, and come and check out our collection!

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